Thursday, October 8, 2009

Things I Want

(Found here)

1. A Firepace! We have an electric one at home, but here nothing! So with this weather I am thinking a fireplace would be perfect, but it might make me even sleepier when I am doing homework.
(Found here)

2. Ooh. A Crop-o-Dile! I may be a little late on this train but jeez these things look cool and I am trying to get back into scrapbooking, so that makes me want one even more.

3. An Expresso Machine for my apartment here in Columbia! My family has one at home and I miss it!
(Found here)

4. Next weekend I am going home to Springvegas, and I am most certainly going to steal some allspice so I can make Pumpkin Spice Syrup to add to my coffee. (And I would like that lipgloss!)
(Found here)

5. Oh man, I want a spinning wheel so bad, however I hear that when you get one, you don't want to knit anymore you just want to spin, haha. So that might have it's downsides!

Anyway, those are just a few of the things I want right this second!

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