Friday, July 31, 2009

on pins and needles..

Kniting needles to be precise. Ohhh I'm so clever. Haha. Anyway, from just looking at this blog (and around myself) I am pretty aware that it's hard for me to just stay focused on one project for too long. I suppose that keeps me from getting bored, but it also prevents me from finishing alot of the things I start. I can usually come back to them after a while with a refreshed inspriation, though. And if I don't make a task seem to dauntng, I can usually finish it. So maybe it would help me to break big things up into smaller parts? Who knows!

Anyway, knitting and crocheting have seemed to be my vices as of late. Maggie got me a crochet hook and some yarn for my birthday, so after about a 10 year pause on that one I was able to pick it back up again with a little help! I have been working on knitting a scarf for my boyfriend, who once tried to learn, but that was short lived. So I am putting the yarn and needles he bought to good use at least! But as I said earlier, that by no means says that his scarf is the only project I have going. I am also knitting another scarf simply because I like the yarn, am always scrapbooking on and off, and am even tryng to work on some decorations for my walls. That embroidery piece is on an indefinate haitus. Much like Blink 182 was..until just earlier this year!! So exciting.

Also, I got a whole buch of used-up giftcards from my work...I don't have a plan for them yet, but I'm sure I'll find something!



  1. Hey there!
    Glad to see a fellow knitter :)

    And YES, I am going to see the Blink reunion tour.
    I will be at the show next week in Pittsburgh.
    Can't wait!
    Hope they are as good as I remember them being.

  2. I know! Maggie and I are going to see the sometime next month! There is sure to be a post about that..and some ensuing scrapbooks haha!

    Thanks for reading!
